
Messages from the Masters
The Giving-Receiving Cycle by Mark Victor Hansen

Curiously enough, the giving spirit creates the receiving spirit. So, to get more all one needs to do is give more. The more ideas one creates and gives away the more ideas one has. 

Andrew Carnegie, the steel baron and philanthropist who funded America's 3,000 libraries and the great Carnegie Hall in New York said: "I'll spend the first half of my life creating great wealth and the second half giving it away...Attempting to do the most good and the least harm with my benefactions." 

Carnegie was a generous genius with ideas. He gave away visionary ideas with his charitable contributions. As a tribute and monument to his gifts, his foundation is alive, well and still processing an ever-growing largess. The Wee Scotsman was the first to give and inspired other rich people to do the same. Now that is a legacy worth leaving! It gives each of us a new benchmark to "goal" towards.

In giving and sharing you always have more.  It seems arithmetically as though one would have less but, in fact, giving expands whatever one has. Music is the best example of this theory, proving that giving and sharing always creates more for everyone. 

When a musician gives their all, they feel exalted and thankful that the music flowed through them. The audience is enthralled, entranced, moved to happy tears, and feels compelled to participate instantaneously in a standing ovation. The star musician bares his soul and the audience is wowed and ecstatic to tell everyone to see this performer. 

Likewise, the simple act of giving simultaneously creates more good and blessings seemingly out of nowhere. Why? Because God is always watching and cheerfully gives instantaneously to the giver. That's why givers' give more. They have experienced this amazing formula, even if they cannot articulate it. They know that it works to their and everyone's benefit.

To learn more about Mark Victor Hansen and to receive 20% off Mark's best-selling audio programs Sell Yourself Rich, How To Think Bigger, The Aladdin Factor and How to Build Your Speaking and Writing Empire, visit

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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