
Messages from the Masters
Closings that Enable You to R.E.L.A.T.E to the Customer by Omar Periu

Sales is a game, but in the game of selling there can be no losers.  If the customer feels slighted or taken advantage of, how eager do you think he or she will be to do business with you again — not to mention the referrals you could lose.  So, R.E.L.A.T.E. well to your customers and everybody will be rewarded with a win/win close. 

Let me explain what I mean by R.E.L.A.T.E.

R einforce features and benefits and recap solutions.
E liminate customer doubts.
L eave customers with a positive feeling about you, your product and services.
A cknowledge your customers by hearing them out.
T ake action — if you have done your job well, don't be afraid to ask for the business.
E valuate and adjust your closing, depending on how the customer is responding.

When you have related well throughout the selling sequence, closing can be as natural and uncomplicated as handing your customer the pen and asking them to authorize the paperwork.  You are in charge.  If you show fear or doubt during the close, you will engender these same feelings in your potential buyers.  So, commit yourself to R.E.L.A.T.E. during the close. 

Remember, when you R.E.L.A.T.E. you are enabling your customers to experience all the wonderful benefits of owning your product or using your services.  Think of it this way, without your help and good advice, your customers may never have been able to achieve their own goals.  Now go out there and close with confidence and power.  

Omar Periu and his family fled Castro's regime when he was only seven years old.  Thus began Omar's journey of success in the land of freedom and opportunity. He went on to achieve many entrepreneurial successes in the United States.  For more information about Omar, go to

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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