
Messages from the Masters
The Power of Research by Bob Burg

As you know, WINNING WITHOUT INTIMIDATION applies to practically any interaction and circumstance, from dealing effectively on an interpersonal, social level, to making a sale and even to looking for a new job. This article will look at how we can utilize the power of research in each of these categories.

Anytime you wish to move someone to your side of an issue, it helps to know as much as you can about their history, circumstances, likes, dislikes, etc. Yes, you can determine this when first meeting them through asking questions. However, finding out beforehand gives you two advantages - One is that you'll know these things "going in" and will be able to prepare in advance. The other is how good you'll make that person feel as they realize you took time to understand "what they are about" in advance (when appropriate). How good would you feel to know that someone thought so much of their meeting with you that they took their valuable time to actually research you?

If you're invited to a social gathering, find out from your host about the various attendees' interests, hobbies, political affiliations, families and more. You can then learn about some issues they may enjoy discussing (their travels, successes) and, keep away or tread softly regarding those issues you know might cause difficulty.

Research certainly applies to a sales call. Check out the company through the Internet, as well as those with whom they do business in non-competing areas and, with enough thought, even in competing areas. What are their corporate habits, what is important to them? - quality, price, service, relationship, a few of the above, all of the above? How does your company measure up? Can you find the answers before you meet with the prospect? And, research the actual prospect to whom you'll present. Who do you know who knows him or her? Research her background. Does he have a family? What are her values? All this and more can be discovered so that you are ready to build a rapport quickly and effectively. Is there some work involved in this? Absolutely...and it's work your competitors are probably not doing.

In today's market, looking for a job is important enough to ensure you have the edge. I remember when I was "young" (okay, no wisecracks, please) and looking for a job with a particular company, Dad always suggested I go to the library to gather information on that company, its history, the main players, etc. Of course, now all we typically need do is run a search on the Internet. We can also research by asking others - possibly people who work there or have worked there in the past. If you don't know those others, you can network your way to meeting them. (Hmm, anyone know of any good networking books?....oh, that's right...mine!) :-)

WINNING WITHOUT INTIMIDATION almost always comes down to making others feel good about themselves. Making a good initial impression and positioning yourself for success with that person is always easier when you have information in advance. And, for this, simply apply the power of research.


Bob Burg

Bob Burg is author of "Winning Without Intimidation" and "Endless Referrals." To receive 20% off on Bob's products visit or call 877-929-0439.

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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