
Messages from the Masters
101.5 Rules for Selling Success - The Last Gasp (Part 4) by Jeffrey Gitomer

Fight the rules? Who doesn't? But sales rules are different. You must embrace them -- and adapt them to your personality and style in order to achieve your sales goals.  Welcome to part four (the final installment) of a challenge to your basic sales skills.

These rules are designed to make you aware of knowledge gaps in your sales skills, and reinforce what you know you should be doing -- but might not be. You can gain maximum benefit if you follow the ABC's...

A. Evaluate yourself on each rule - Be honest -- this is a self-evaluation, not a place to brag -- it's an opportunity to get real with the most important person on earth -- you! Put a number in the box that represents your present skill level in each rule. 1=poor, 2=average, 3=good, 4=very good, 5=the greatest.

B. If you're between good and poor (sometimes or rarely) in any rule, make an action plan to get excellent.

C. Do it.

78. Take advantage of every second of your time...It's all you've got.

79. Schedule a sales call one minute after your sales meeting...Try out what you just learned.

80. Implement the Daily Dose formula...Reduce what it takes to succeed to a daily dose. Do that amount every day. Sounds simple, it is simple.

81. Evaluate yourself every month...Your presentation, your sales, your personal goal achievement, your education, and your attitude.

82. Do it down to the last detail...Too often salespeople ignore details - and fail.

83. Gain the ability to make effective decisions...Which means taking risks. Don't be afraid to be wrong -- it inhibits growth.

84. The two acid sales questions...Is this in the best interest of my customer? Is this in the best long-term interest of my company? If yes, do it.

85. Make it easy for anyone to do business with you...Fill out the forms yourself. 

86. Do something non-business with a customer...A meal, ball game, or theater tickets help turn customers into business friends. People buy from friends. 

87. Get others business...A powerful relationship builder and implied position of obligation. Help people build their business, so you can earn yours.

88. Don't keep score...Use every resource at your disposal to help others...If you don't measure (he owes me one), it will come back to you times ten.

89. If it wouldn't make your mom proud, don't do it...Take pride in yourself, your company and what you do. Be an ambassador at all times.

90. Don't force the sale...It usually turns out to be a big hassle.

91. Keep physically fit...It will improve your performance by 20%.

92. Get unsolicited referrals on a regular basis...Ask yourself: Have I done what it takes so this person will refer me to someone else?

93. Do it passionately...Do it the best it's ever been done. Give the best effort you have -- every day.

94. Be memorable...In a creative way. In a positive way. In a professional way. What will they say about you when you leave? You are responsible for the memory you leave.

95. Resign your position as general manager of the universe...Before you interfere with everyone else's problems, solve your own first. People in tin houses shouldn't throw can-openers. Butt out.

96. Get great at everything you do...Be known as the best.

97. Speak in public...It will help you improve presentation skills and position you as an expert. Join Toastmasters.

98. Get involved in your community...Give back a portion of what is provided to you.

99. Find mentors and use them...If you have desire to succeed, others will help you. Just earn the right to ask.

100. The best way to be learn to be successful is hang around successful people...Hang around with the best salespeople you know. Avoid people who are not.

101. The biggest obstacle to your success is you...You have been given a bag of cement and a bucket of water -- You can either build a stepping stone or a stumbling block. The choice is (and always has been) yours.

The 101.5 characteristic is the most important of them all - Have Fun!...You will succeed far greater at something you love to do. Doing something you enjoy will also bring joy to others. Happiness and enthusiasm are contagious.

There's a lot of salespeople who have read these last four issues and said -- "Yeah, I know all that stuff." And to him or her I say, "Yes, but are you doing it?" Following the fundamental rules of selling will lead to sale success faster than any high pressure technique. The surest way to get great at sales? Get great at the basics.

I hope all your appointments are one call closes -- that lead to long term relationships.

Jeffrey Gitomer is the author of The Sales Bible, Knock Your Socks Off Selling and Customer Satisfaction is Worthless; Customer Loyalty is Priceless. To order Jeffrey's many books and/or audios and videos, go to  (c) 1999 All Rights Reserved.

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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