
Messages from the Masters
The 15 Absolutely Unbreakable Laws of Negotiating by Brian Tracy

1. The Universal Law of Negotiating: Everything is negotiable.

2. The Law of Futurity: The purpose of a negotiation is to enter into an agreement such that both parties have their needs satisfied and are motivated to fulfill their agreements and enter into further negotiations with the same party in the future.

3. The Law of Win/Win or No Deal: In a successful negotiation, both parties are fully satisfied with the result and feel that they have each "won" or no deal should be made at all.

4. The Law of Unlimited Possibilities: You can always get a better deal if you know how.

5. The Law of Four: There are four main issues to be decided upon in any negotiation; everything else is secondary to these.

6. The Law of Timing: Timing is everything in a negotiation.

7. The Law of Terms: The terms of payment can be more important than the price in a negotiation.

8. The Law of Preparation: Eighty percent or more of your success in any negotiation will be determined by how well you prepare in advance.

9. The Law of Authority: You can only negotiate successfully with a person who has the authority to approve the terms and conditions you agree upon.

10. The Law of Reversal: Putting yourself in the situation of the other person enables you to prepare and negotiate more effectively.

11. The Law of Power: The person with the greater power, real or imagined, will get the better deal in any negotiation.

12. The Law of Desire: The person who most wants the negotiation to succeed has the least bargaining power.

13. The Law of Reciprocity: People have a deep subconscious need to reciprocate for anything that is done to or for them.

14. The Walk Away Law: You never know the final price and terms until you get up and walk away.

15. The Law of Finality: No negotiation is ever final.

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