
Messages from the Masters
Are You Absolutely Sure? by Sheila Murray Bethel, Ph.D.

Being unsure is a great thing to be. Whenever you are most sure, it means you have closed the door to new developments, ideas, and experiences. But when you are unsure, you're still searching, looking, and being curious.

Curiosity opens your mind to possibilities, encouraging--even goading--you to explore. Imagine that you're excavating an ancient ruin or tomb. You're pretty sure what you're going to find, but your discoveries can make you rethink all your basic ideas and theories, even change your concept of the universe and your place in it.

Curiosity can be a powerful antidote to fear. The alien being under your bed is a dark and terrifying creature until you get a flashlight and confront a bunch of dust bunnies and a dirty sock. When you use curiosity to identify the reality, you can then begin dealing with the fear.

Curiosity gets you started, unfreezing you and getting you so absorbed in possible outcomes that you find you are having fun despite your apprehensions--like a kid at a horror movie. 

Harness your curiosity by carrying a notebook (or a tiny tape recorder or Palm Pilot®) wherever you go. Make constant notes about what sparks your interest. They can be anything from big thoughts to trivia. Jot them down. You think you'll remember later, but you rarely do. Don't lose any of those terrific gems that come to you as you excite and expand your curiosity. 

It is o.k. to be unsure. Don't let anyone talk you out of being brave in your pursuit and search for new ideas and experiences. Be as curious as you can be--it is said that curiosity killed the cat, but it also makes for an exciting way to live.

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Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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