
Messages from the Masters
Persuaders Are Tremendous by Charlie 'T' Jones

All our lives we encounter persuaders.  Those who were successful are largely responsible for the way we are. Because some of us are exposed to some positive persuaders we are drawn to become positive persuaders.  I believe all successful persuaders are a result of having been successfully persuaded at some time in their lives.

What a strange world it would be if there were no persuaders. Life is one continuous series of persuasions.  At home it is the parent persuading the child, the child persuading the parent, the salesman persuading the prospect, the lawyer persuading the jury, the boy persuading the girl or the politician persuading his constituency.  And so on and on.

To be a persuader you must be persuaded and in order to continue to grow we must practice the art of persuasion. The old saying, "Nothing succeeds like Success," fits the persuader perfectly. The earlier in life you begin, the fuller your life will become.  It is only in sharing and giving that we realize what we have, and we can give nothing better than persuading others to worthwhile goals, right motives and eternal values.

I think it is safe to say that sometimes in our lives we will be persuaded to become positive persuaders seeking to give and share, or we'll not be persuaded and spend the rest of our lives waiting for a break, taking and keeping.

I hope these thoughts on persuasion have increased your awareness of the great privilege and obligation of the persuader.  The world needs one more positive persuader. Is it you?

Charles 'T' Jones

Charlie 'Tremendous' Jones is the author of the best-selling book "Life is Tremendous" and four separate editions of "The Books You Read". To purchase these books and receive 20% off or to receive more information on Mr. Jones go to

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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