
Messages from the Masters
Make the Rubber Meet the Road by Josh Hinds

Make the rubber meet the road! - The only problem with goals (if there is as I see it is that all too often we plan ourselves to the point that we never actually take action on them. Rather I should say the right amount of action.

I can't even begin to tell you how many people I know (me included in some cases) who are guilty of planning themselves to death! I should say that planning is good. What I mean above is that we need to be willing to admit that no matter what our plans are, life does have a way of making us make minor (in some case major) adjustments that will lead to our intended goals.

My point is this: Have a solid framework for what you want to achieve. Be willing to admit that you might have to make adjustments along the way. 

Above all else! Get started! Even if it's simply taking small steps, at least we are making progress, right? As you take those steps reinforce in your mind that with this very action you are indeed making progress.

Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

This article was submitted by Josh Hinds.  Josh is the host of, One Of The Largest Motivational Community Sites On The Web! With 13,000 Searchable Quotes, Encouraging Stories and Message Boards.

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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