
Messages from the Masters
Success by Nido Qubein

Wherever my career takes me -- from my home city of High Point, North Carolina, to the mini-state of Luxembourg; from the island city-state of Singapore to the island continent of Australia -- I encounter people pursuing a common quest: success.

Many come to me in search of a secret formula.  They've labored for years, butted their heads against walls, suffered failure and rejection, and still they wonder: "Is it possible for me to achieve success, given my level of talent and education?"  And I have a ready response: You can if you want to.

Success is not a matter of luck, an accident of birth, or a reward for virtue.  It is a matter of decision, commitment, planning, preparation, execution, and recommitment.  Success doesn't come to you; you go to it.  The trail is well traveled and well marked.  If you want to walk it, you can.

To learn more about Nido Qubein and/or to receive 20% off when you order his audios or books, visit

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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