
Quotes from the Masters
On Enthusiasm

"Enthusiasm is the color of inspiration and courage." -– Nido Qubein  

"You will do foolish things, but do them with enthusiasm." –- Colette  

"One man has enthusiasm for 30 minutes, another for 30 days, but it is the man who has it for 30 years who makes a success of his life." -– Edward B. Butler  

"Get excited and enthusiastic about your own dream. This excitement is like a forest fire -- you can smell it, taste it, and see it from a mile away." -- Denis Waitley

"Enthusiasm is the match that lights the candle of achievement." -– William Arthur Ward  

"We act as though comfort and luxury were the chief requirements of life, when all that we need to make us really happy is something to be enthusiastic about." -- Charles Kingsley  

"Friendly is at the epicenter of your business, but it's only a seed that must be germinated, and then nurtured -- every day. The value of friendly is beyond measure -- it costs nothing, yet it's worth a fortune. And it's the most contagious disease known to man -- catch it." -- Jeffrey Gitomer  

"If we seize each opportunity with enthusiasm, someone will surely notice.  The "little extra" that is the automatic byproduct of enthusiasm marks the distinction between average and excellence." -– Neil Eskelin

"The world is full of poetry. The air is living with its spirit; and the waves dance to the music of its melodies, and sparkle in its brightness." -- Percival  

"To the dull mind all nature is leaden. To the illumined mind the whole world burns and sparkles with light." -- Ralph Waldo Emerson  

"Doing what we were meant to do creates fun, excitement and contentment in our lives, and invariably, in the lives of the people around us. When you're excited about something it's contagious." -- Mark Victor Hansen  

"Whatever your hand finds to do, do it with all your heart." -- Ecclesiastes 9:10, Bible

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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