
Messages from the Masters
Creating a New Positive Belief System by Mark Victor Hansen

It is because of your belief system that you are where you are in life right now. You have created your success or failure with the beliefs that you have established within yourself.

Most people would be astounded to know how many of their beliefs are based on lack, limitation, and shortage - and that these thoughts reproduce themselves directly into their life experiences.

You owe it to yourself to think only of unlimited prosperity, because abundance IS reality. There is no lack, no shortage. There are no limits except for those we impose on ourselves. Prosperity doesn't start with someone or something outside of you.

Get the picture yet? Your success or failure begins and ends with you.

Wow! Think about that for a minute. What you think and what you believe determines your success or failure.

Your conscious mind is a powerful thing. What you concentrate on comes back to you -multiplied. Your mind is a source of unlimited, overflowing abundance - and its manifestation into the physical world depends on your thoughts and beliefs. Your belief in the possibility or impossibility of a situation determines the outcome. If you don't believe in the possibility of success, it's just not going to be possible.

So, how do you replace your old, self-defeating belief system with a new prosperity-focused belief system? Start from within. Delete any "can't-do" beliefs you may have lurking deep inside, and start believing that you CAN.

But simply eliminating old beliefs is not enough. You have to replace them with new positive ones, because something must occupy that empty space. Remember, the Universe abhors a vacuum, so choose something positive to take its place.

The second step is to stay away from the "can't do" people in your life. If you can't avoid them totally, then don't get infected with their negativity. Give yourself a "prosperity booster shot" by remembering that the beliefs and opinions of other people do not have to become your reality. Someone is always going to try to tell you it's not possible. You have to train your mind to block out these negative words.

Every time you hear a "you can't - it's not possible" - say "NEXT!" to yourself and flip back to your new way of thinking. Tell them that you have moved forward, and that old, negative way of thinking has no place in your life. If they can't accept the new you simply stop discussing your goals with them. Stay focused in your new mindset and become a joyful example of what happens when you believe in yourself and what's possible. Think big and prosperous and you'll get big, prosperous results. Think small and lacking and you'll achieve just that. The choice is yours.

"Our inner image of ourselves and what we want to accomplish in life makes us become what we were meant to be."

Mark Victor Hansen

To learn more about Mark Victor Hansen and to receive 20% off Mark's best-selling audio programs Sell Yourself Rich, How To Think Bigger, The Aladdin Factor and How to Build Your Speaking and Writing Empire, visit

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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