
Messages from the Masters
Building Future Leaders by Josh Hinds

Building future leaders - As a whole we spend a lot of time filling our minds with various forms of self-improvement. Believe me this is good for us! However, I think what's equally important is the amount of positive's that we send to our younger generation.

I am certain I don't have to convince you of the positive results we receive when we "flood" our minds with a self-improvement book or tape. It really can change our outlook on things. The results that we get are the same that our youth will receive as well. Why don't they take advantage of such resources you ask? It's fairly simple really. Their peer groups as a whole don't know about them. Thus our teens aren't taking advantage of them.

A lot of folks out there are cutting our teens short! As such they're turning towards things that in the long run don't lead to fulfillment. This is something I feel pretty strongly about (most likely because it wasn't too long ago that I was still a teen). With this said, now the question is what can we do about it?

First we have to realize that every one of us was at one time or another in the same boat! We were all teens. Now ask yourself who was there for you when you needed someone to encourage you? Look for a young adult that you can reach out to and encourage. Make yourself a part of that person's testimonial! In addition to helping this person to realize their gifts you'll find extreme personal rewards as you see this person live an enriched life!

Life in it's simplest form is really about helping others. As Mr. Zig Ziglar says, "You can have everything in life you want if you'll only help enough others get what they want".

Now's the time to start my friend. Use your personal testimonial to make a positive impact in another's life. When you do only ask for one thing in return. Make sure that when someone comes along in their life that they do the same. As one we are powerless, but as many we can change the world! One person at a time...

Your friend in cyberspace, Josh Hinds

This article was submitted by Josh Hinds.  Josh is the host of, One Of The Largest Motivational Community Sites On The Web! With 13,000 Searchable Quotes, Encouraging Stories and Message Boards.

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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