
Messages from the Masters
Six Foundational Reasons for Managing Your Time by Chris Widener

Most of us know how to manage our time. It is pretty simple really. What most of us miss are compelling reasons to manage our time. We know the "how" but miss the "why." Here are six foundational reasons I have that motivate me to manage my time and myself properly.

It is a matter of stewardship. I view my life as not my own. I am merely a steward of it. I am given control over it for some 70 years and I should make wise decisions with it! This is a great sense of responsibility that compels me to manage my time.

It is a matter of Personal Fulfillment. When I get to the end of my life I want to be able to feel a sense of pride and satisfaction that I have lived well, helped others, and achieved much. This drives me to not waste time but to use it wisely.

It is a matter of providing for and being responsible to your friends and family. I owe some of my time - serious amounts - to my friends and family. If I let myself get out of control, they suffer the loss and that is something I do not want for them. I manage myself and my time so that I can give valuable portions of it to those who matter most.

It is a matter of accomplishment and purpose. I manage myself and my time because I want to fulfill my mission here. That is to use my abilities to enhance the lives of others. If I don't manage myself, I hinder my ability to accomplish what I want and to fulfill my purpose. This drives me to manage right.

It is a matter of self-control.  This and number six are closely aligned. One of the reasons I manage myself closely is because I can! Imagine that. What separates us from the animals is that we do not live by instinct, but by self-control and choice.

It is a matter of choice. See number five. I can choose when and where I will spend my resources. That in and of itself sounds like fun!

I am sure you can come up with more reasons, and I would encourage you to do so!

Chris Widener is a popular speaker and author as well as the President of Made for Success. Just give him a call at (425) 526-6480 to schedule. Be sure to visit for more great stuff!!

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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