
Messages from the Masters
Life Is Worthwhile If You... by Jim Rohn

1) First, life is worthwhile if you LEARN If you know.  What you don't know WILL hurt you.  You have to have learning to exist, let alone succeed.  Life is worthwhile if you learn from your own experiences, negative or positive.  We learn to do it right by first sometimes doing it wrong. We call that a positive negative.  We also learn from other people's experiences, both positive and negative. I've always said it is too bad failures don't give seminars.  We don't want to pay them so they don't tour around giving seminars.  But the information would be very valuable – how someone who had it all, messed it up. Learning from other people's experiences and mistakes.

We learn by what we see - pay attention.  By what we hear – be a good listener.  Now I do suggest being a selective listener, don't just let anybody dump into your mental factory. We learn from what we read.  Learn from every source.  Learn from lectures, learn from songs, learn from sermons, learn from conversations with people who care. Keep learning.

2) Life is worthwhile if you TRY. You can't just learn; you now have to try something to see if you can do it.  Try to make a difference, try to make some progress, try to learn a new skill, try to learn a new sport. Life is worthwhile if you try.  It doesn't mean you can do everything but there are a lot of things you can do, if you just try.  Try your best.  Give it every effort.  Why not go all out?

3) Life is worthwhile if you STAY You have to stay from spring until harvest.  If you have signed up for the day or for the game or for the project - see it through.  Sometimes calamity comes and then it is worth wrapping it up.  And that's the end, but just don't end in the middle.  Maybe on the next project you pass, but on this one, if you signed up, see it through.

4) Life is worthwhile if you CARE. If you care at all you will get some results, if you care enough you can get incredible results.  Care enough to make a difference.  Care enough to turn somebody around. Care enough to start a new enterprise.  Care enough to change it all. Care enough to be the highest producer. Care enough to set some records. Care enough to win.

Four powerful little words: learn, try, stay and care.  What difference can you make in your life today by putting these words to work?

To Your Success,
Jim Rohn

To receive more information about Jim Rohn and/or to purchase his best-selling audios and books go to  Copyright (c) 1999 Jim Rohn International. All rights reserved worldwide.

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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