
Messages from the Masters
Humility Is Tremendous by Charlie "T" Jones

I know no man who feels fully qualified to speak as an expert on "leadership." In fact, it seems that those who appear to be the most qualified are often the most reluctant. Knowing that I am a student of the word, rather than an authority, I think my attitude toward what I'm about to say can best be described in the story of file young minister preparing to give his first sermon. As he read and observed, he could see so clearly everyone's mistakes, and how simple it would be to set everyone straight.  He couldn't wait for the big day when he would be able to lower the boom on the congregation. Finally, the big day came, and he rose for the great occasion. After a few minutes, he realized he was in trouble and began to sense that maybe he wasn't the hope of the world.  After a few more minutes, he began to wish he'd never heard of preaching, and that there was a trap door behind the pulpit that would allow him to press a button and quickly slip out of sight. Of course, there wasn't and finally, after five minutes, which seemed to be hours, he said a hasty benediction. With his head hung, he left the pulpit, discouraged, broken and beaten. As he walked to the rear, an old, white haired war-horse slipped his arm over the boy's shoulder and said, "Son, IF YOU'D HAVE GONE UP, LIKE YOU CAME DOWN - YOU COULD HAVE COME DOWN LIKE YOU WENT UP." Humility is the quality that will enable you and others to enjoy your success.


Charles "T" Jones

Charlie 'Tremendous' Jones is the author of the best-selling book "Life is Tremendous" and four separate editions of "The Books You Read". To purchase these books and receive 20% off or to receive more information on Mr. Jones go to

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International

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