once said to me that success isn't everything and I
think I know what they really meant. I believe
they really meant that money wasn't everything and I
certainly agree with that. But I do believe that success
IS everything.
you need to succeed to survive. We must take the
seasons and learn how to use them with the seed, the
soil and the rain of opportunity to learn how to sustain
ourselves and our family. But then second is to then
succeed to flourish in every part of your life. Good
question to ask mature people "If you could do better
should you?" And I thing almost everybody would
answer the question in the positive. If you could improve
your health shouldn't you do that? If you can learn
more shouldn't you do that? If you could earn more and
share more, shouldn't you do that? If you can
improve your relationships and spirituality shouldn't
you do that? And I think that is what success is really
all about. It is not just a destination that is set
for everybody to try and go for. It is like Zig said,
"improving in every area of your life to see if you
can't with satisfaction at the end of the day, week,
month and year and say 'I have made excellent progress
this year, for myself, for my family, for my business,
my career and my health'". I think that kind of
success everybody recognizes is legitimate and something
we should all strive for.
phrase in the bible that says strive for perfection
- not that we can ever reach it. But it is in
the striving, to be a little bit better today than yesterday,
in our speech, our language, our health, everything
we can possibility think of.
yes, in my opinion it is good to succeed!
Your Success,
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