Messages from the Masters
Cards and Spoken Gifts Carry Special Messages by Bob Smith

Whenever my wife Harriet had a birthday or if it was our anniversary or some other special occasion, I would get a humorous card for my wife. I couldn't relate to the serious cards.

For our anniversary a few years ago, I was trying to find an appropriate card. One of the cards I looked at was filled with all kinds of "forever I love you's, through the years, how much you mean to me, darling." I love you to the 10th power. It was so sickening I thought I would get it as a joke. When Harriet opened the card, I was kind of chuckling to myself. When Harriet looked up, she had tears coming down her cheeks. Did I get the message? You bet I did. This was no joke.

Now I don't wait for a special occasion. If I run across a nice card, I get it. In fact, I keep several on hand for when I find the right time, or just any time I feel like expressing my love to my wife. I even send cards to friends and relatives or to someone who did a kind gesture or did some good work. I've been amazed by the responses this has elicited.

I've been known to give three or more cards to my wife on her birthday or on our anniversary. I leave them where Harriet will find them, or I send them in the mail, or I have a waitress bring a card out at a restaurant. 

Some of my most cherished possessions are cards. One is from a mother thanking me for helping her son prepare for a police department oral board (he got the job), stepping in for his father who had died.

Another was from our friend Bill thanking us for showing that someone really cared about him in this world. Still another was from John for his appreciation in sharing some thoughts on a struggle I had also faced. 

The best card, though, was from our then 26 year-old-son, Rob, on my 50th birthday. It read, "Dad, from your #1 son. The help and guidance you have given me has put me in a place early in life where I feel I can say I made it. The feelings of contentment that I have for the past and future are largely due to you. Thank you. Love, Rob (your son)." I'm overwhelmed every time I read this card. All past sins are forgiven, son. 

Who can you send a card to today (tomorrows never seem to come) that could make their "MOTIVATIONAL MINUTE?" Nothing beats a few words on a card, stamped and mailed. Nothing! Not e-mail, voice mail, fax, cell phone or pager message. None of these! Yesterday is history. Tomorrow a mystery. Today is a gift. That's why it's called the present!

"If you don't think every day is a special one...try missing one."
  -- Cavette Robert, Founder of the National Speakers Association

Fire "Captain Bob" Smith is a recognized expert and speaker on stress, communication and relationship skills. He is the author of "Fire Up Your Communication Skills." More information is available at

Provided courtesy of  Jim Rohn International